Zero to Hero Masterclass 5 Easy Vodka Cocktails

5 Easy Vodka Cocktails


Christopher is the Founder of Mixopher.com and writes Articels for the Zero to Hero Masterclass and Spirits and Brands. He is also participating in most of the Competitions

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The White Russian

The white Russian is a cocktail first mentioned in 1960.  The main ingredients are vodka and coffee liquor, topped off with cream.  There are two very similar versions of this cocktail, one without cream called the Black Russian, and one with milk and instead of cream, called “The Big Lebowsky”.

The White Russian is by definition a after dinner cocktail.  I love to use Belvedere vodka, because of its creamy and mellow taste that accomplishes the cream and the coffee perfectly.

40ML Vodka

20ML Coffey Liquor

Topped Off with Cream

The Harvey Wallbanger

This is a 1970 cocktail that contains orange juice as vodka and Galliano.  The Name came from a Surfer called Harvey who was discarded from a competition and had a couple too much of this screwdriver twist.  In anger he stood up and banged his head against the wall, that’s how, according to rumours, the name “Harvey Wallbanger” a was created.  Even in the late nineties and the beginning of the 2000 the screwdriver was very popular amongst bars. This twist gives it a little hint of vanilla, witch makes it a little bit sweeter, perfect fit for your garden party.

40ML Vodka

Fill Up Orange Juice

Float 20ML Vanilla Liuqor

Sex On the Beach

The Sex on the Beach is a so called new England Highball.  The original recipe asks for vodka, peach liquor, orange juice and cranberry juice.  There result was not as sweet as the Europeans versions, because of the lacking availability of cranberry juice.  This is the reason that there are many different variations of this cocktail.  I’d rather stick to the original version.

30ML Vodka

20ML Peach Liquor

60ML Cranberry Juice

60ML Orange Juice

The Moscow Mule

The Moscow Mule was invented 1941 by Jack Morgan and the Smirnoff distilling company.

Smirnoff wanted to promote his vodka and Jack wanted to sell his self-made Ginger lemonade.  They mixed the Vodka and the Ginger Beer into a copper mug. Gifting these mugs to different bars and through clever marketing they managed to make the drink popular.

50ML Vodka

150ML Ginger Beer

Alternative = squeeze of Lime

The Skinny Bitch

The last cocktail on our list is going to be the skinny beach.  This is basically a Version of vodka and soda with a dash of lime. With the renaissance of high balls, this drink became very popular especially in hot summer days. Again there are different variations ranging from pure lime juice to lime cordial.  I love my cocktails refreshing that’s why I choose my version with fresh lime juice.

40ML Vodka

Juice of half a Lime

Fill up with Soda

Next time I will be talking about basic bar techniques and I also will cover this in a video


For the time being, 

Stay Safe and Mix Well!!

cheers Chris

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