Meet the Bartender


Hi! My name is Christopher Malle and i was born in 1987 in a small Austrian town called Klagenfurt. As the first son of a Austrian-English connection i thankfully learned the language from the getgo. When i was young i tried a million different things until some day i found myself behind a bar

I actually was a regular there when one day the owner asked me if i would want to earn some money on the weekends. So i started with pouring beer and tequila, but always having my eyes over to the cocktail station. 2 weekends in we had a catering and he was one bartender short, so i learned my first 4 cocktails and had my first night ala “Cocktail” – The Movie experience. I learned fast and worked my way up in several Bars throughout the years. 


Töschling 78

Carinthia / Austria