Zero to Hero Masterclass Easy Bar techniques

Easy Bar techniques


Christopher is the Founder of Mixopher.com and writes Articels for the Zero to Hero Masterclass and Spirits and Brands. He is also participating in most of the Competitions

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Shaking is THE most well known Bar Technique. Although it might sound a little easy at first, there is a lot more to shaking than you might know at first. First lets break down differen shakers and how they funktion.


The Cobbler The Cobbler is a three part shaker with a cap, that can be used for measuring and a integrated strainer. This shaker offers the least space and need a clean and rhythmic shake to work. This can be, because of the measurement and the added strainer a really good beginner Shaker, but to make full use of its potential its definitely more advanced.
The Parisienne This Shaker offers the most space within. It is one of my more used ones, because i can create a pretty powerful and intense shake with the space given. I would recommend it for professionals due to dilution and the knowledge how to use it properly.  
The Boston This is, in my oppionion the beginner friendliest. It comes as 2 variants, one with glass and one with Tin and Tin. The Tin and Tins are my most used Shakers in my day to day bar routines. Spacewise its settled between the other two what makes it a perfect allrounder. These shakers are my recommendation for beginners.

Shaking itself is all about movement. With this movement you actually want to work air and water into your cocktail, while chilling it down, to improve the taste. i would recommend to watch my video for a better and more detailed explanation.

To Stir

The primary goalof stirring is cooling the liquid down without diluting too much. With a nice and smooth circulating movement in your mixing glass you can archive that. the less noise you make while stirring, the better. Stirring is used to combine alcoholic liquids with each other. If your cocktail consist of syrups and/or fruit, then you might want to consider to shake. As mixing glass i use both, the glass and the metal variant. Dont put the glass ones into your dishwasher, they might crack if you add ice when they are too hot! My choices:

The Jigger

One of the most important bar tools behind the bar is the Jigger. Beeing consistant with your pour is possible, but using a Jigger just doesnt let you make a mistake. I know sometime guest say: “C’mon Bud, just pour it in” but they do that to give you the opportunity to make a mistake. Your responsibility is to create the best result and keep the cost of the Cocktail as calculated by your Manager or Boss. The Times of the ugly jiggers are over and there are some really appealing ones available today

I did not get sponsored by any of these Products, so they are my choice and i tried to balance the cost with the quality. there are some great starter kits as well:


Next Time we are going to do 3 more Vodka drink that are a little harder to make so you can test your new learned skills!

but until then:

Stay Safe and Mix Well!

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